16 March 2008


I have my space before and I did not renew my space very often. But when I heart we need to build our blog for this class, I was a little bit excited but worried. Since, I am not a blogging person. The first time I blogged at lab, I was the slowest one in our class. I was disappointed because I thought I need more time on blogging one post than others. During our class, since now, I can finish one post in a short time like Adrianne said just type in what you want. That is a great process to me I do believe!
I like blogging, especially among our classmates. I can learn a lot from your opinion, and it is also very convenience to look up our assignments from blogging. We can know each other well by this. Sometimes, ideas poping out from my mind when I read others' blog.
I strongly recommand that we can keep on blogging to contract each other because we will not meet such often after this week.
I miss you my dear classmates and lovely teachers!!!


Finnally, Finished!!!
We finished our huge project --- research project.
First I want to say that it was a great experience to attend your presentations. I like your presentations very much, meanwhile, I have learnt a lot from them.
For me, I think to have a nice presentation, know your source well is very important. It means that have a good command of what you will present!! Another thing is pratice pratice and pratice!!! Actually, confidence is also an important factor to have a beautiful presentation. To know your ppt well can help you increase your confidence.
During my presentation, I really did not realize that time went so fast. Helen told me I spend almost 40 mins, I cannot believe. I thought I just spent 20mins. Well~may be I need a clock in front of me next time. When I was presenting my first part, I saw Adrianne was looking at my feet. I remembered what she said at engineering the impossible presentation about presentation body language. I corrected myself at that time and remaind myself stand well at anytime I remember. I hope this time I acted not as bad as last time.
So, do you like my presentation on tobacco?(:

Part Two Advanced Two

To be honest, it is very hard to choose one favourite unit from part two. I like most of the units there and they are very very useful.
PLAGIARISM --- I consider this unit as the basic unit for my rest writing warning skills.
DISCRIMINATION --- As what I have blogged, I like this unit very much. I have thought a lot after the video and I told to myself that I need to learn how to judge people by heart.
CANADIAN ENGLISH --- It is a very interesting unit to me. Since I like to learn different language, I found it was so interesting that I could find some feathers of Canadian English.
LOOKING FOR A JOB --- For sure, it is one of the most useful units in part two. There are lots of important tips for looking for a job and some articles are also helpful.
In a word, I like our book this session and I will read this part before I enter into the University agian.

10 March 2008

Exam Anxiety

I do believe that everybody has his or her own exam anxiety experience.
For me, any kinds of exams will make me feel anxious...whatever academic exams or other social exams like the test for driving...
Since very young, I was bothered with anxiety. As a result, I didn't get good marks in many tests. Last year, when I was 18, I went to learning driving. For my first day of every section of test, anxiety!!! How can I deal with them? I really have no idea...I was afriad of failing in the exams...
Have been experiencing thousands of exams, I found some relaxing ways of reducing my anxious. For English exams, listening to English music. It can help you put yourself down and really get relaxed from it. For driving tests, smsing to friends. It can help you get confidence and encourangement form your friends so that your performance in the testing will be better.
Actually, I found that deal with exam anxiety is similar to dealing with stress. Positive thinking, nice sleep, management for yourself, RELAXING...

04 March 2008


Finally, I have finished my research paper - Tobacco Industry
It is so hard to give birth to my baby...
No matching version, no color printing, having hungry laptop, poor process of handling,etc.
But finally, when I saw Adrianne and Lili's happy face...
Being consoling...


Now I am sitting before my laptop thinking...
I learnt so many things from doing research project which I really need to learn!
When I was in primary school...doing maths...I always did it over and over to make sure that I have the correct answer...this habit has been along with me till now. Whatever I wrote, even in Chinese, I will read it over and over to make sure the spelling, grammar, prop words and everything. That's one of the reasons that I have not finished it.
I don't like the situation now, all of you have done your successful wonderful projects, except me...
From now on, I won't wait until last minute, although maybe I will, but I will try my best...
I need to change the way of doing a research project, actually, the way of doing almost everything...
To the project itself, I really notice the importance of citation.
I'll continue throughout everything before I write a section and make something like a outline, although everything I might change...
For my writing skills, I really do not know...maybe nothing...
But I learnt how to search different sources, it is very important to the university...
I appreciate Advanced Two to give us such important chances to learn before university!
I am lucky enough to have my wonderful teachers Lili and Adrianne to worry about Jarno, care about Jarno, help to Jarno, encourage Jarno...
You are my teachers forever...

26 February 2008

Oh~Great Spirit, keep me from ever judging a man until I've walked in his moccasins.

To be honest, this unit makes me think a lot. For the reasons, in China, girls are always in the lower position. Unfortunately, I was treated in that way by the old. I always believe that girls are totally the same to boys and even in some situations, girls are superior to boys. Discrimination should not appear at this world or we can say in our close life, but in fact, it will exist forever.

I do not know what factors cause people to discriminate others, history? culture? gender? nationality? nature? education? any of the other reasons? Everybody has the same rights, it's unfair to be treated like that.

But in a real world, discrimination might be happen at any time in any places on any persons. As what we saw in the video, blue eyes and brown eyes changed by the atmosphere around them whoever they are adults or kids. For the devided class, students really experienced absolutely opposite situations by judging their eye-color. They know what was treated in different situation. Their feelings changed greatly for just one day. But for these persons, they knew how's the feeling and would never discriminate any one.

Judging a person cannot just from their outside but inside. These children they have felt others situations so that they have been doing well in their lives in this field. Standing on other side before you judging a person, take a thinking of theirs' situations. Then it will be more fair. I think that's want the topic sentance means. OH~GREAT SPIRIT, KEEP ME FROM EVER JUDGING A MAN UNTIL I'VE WALKED IN HIS MOCCASINS.

24 February 2008

Learnt from Communications

Actually, I am interested in gender very much and also, I am interested in communications pretty much. That's why I choose Female and Male for my favourite unit.
From this unit, I learnt lots of facts of gender communicating either in skills or ways of talking. I knew several reasons for different issues and figured out some questions that I really want to knew already for a long time. For instance, why boys always ignore girl's actions or let's say words while they are doing other things like playing a NDSL. Why boys are the one don't like to ask questions to others for a help very often. Why boys always want to be the one who can control everything. Why girls are always not the one to be trusted in public!...
For this unit, critical thinking started poping into my mind easily... It is good for me, isn't it?
By this unit, I knew what I would learn first in my university life. It is a very very very important decision to me.
I also learnt few useful words form Female and Male unit. I will try to use it...
In a word, I prefer this unit rather than the others. Anything about gender interests me(:

19 February 2008

What is debate!!?

I like debate but not to debate with others just watch it. I am a thinking person, since we've learnt critial thinking... I try to think everything into different sides at least the issues related to our taxt books.
For the lecture, I would like to say that it disappointed me so much because of my high expertation. These people just spoke out their opinions one by one and sometimes they did not show their positions clearly.
In my opinion, for sure as an international student here in Concordia, it was so bad that the tuition fee will be increased. Imaging what you are spending is seven times higher than what you spent in China my friends. We, to be honest, also pay high taxes everyday on our daily lives. It is hard for some of us who cannot have part-time jobs now to afford so much tuition fee. We have already paid four to five times expenses than students here.
But on the other hand, if teachers do not have enough salaries, how can they teach us hard? How can we have good or we can say high quality of education? Think about that!
Anyway, I think a debate should like a real debate. To speak out one by one is really not the idea of debate for public.

17 February 2008

Population in Shanghai

Ok~actually, I am in a big family. Since my father has 3 elder sisters、1 younger sister and 1 younger brother. Each of them have a child, that means I have 1 elder brother、2 elder sisters、1 younger sister and 1 younger brother. They are all my father-side's cousins. On the other hand, my mother have 3 brothers and one of them is younger than her. It is interesting that her three brothers all have one son for each and my mother has only one daughter --- its me! But for me, I really have no idea that how many children I want to have. In my mind now, maybe I won't have any children. For the reason that I really want to have an elder brother who can protect me and one elder sister who can understand me and share secrect with me. If I do need to have children, two or three at least but not in China even though we can have two kids per couple.

I think that population in China is famous around the whole world. We have more than 1300000000 people. It is terrible. Let's talk about the population in Shanghai as a small area of China but the most representativeness. I heard that as foreigners visit Shanghai, they like everything there except the transportation. When they are walking in a famous shopping walking street, one of the most famous symbol in Shanghai, called Nanjing Road. They said that the number of people they saw in that street as if the whole population of their own country. Transportation in Shanghai is also terrible unless you take a metro. Traffic jam is one of the most common things you will meet in Shanghai. As you know, the number of a class is three or four times larger than here in Montreal. For my jounior school, we have 16 classes in my grade and when I was in senior high school, we have 18 classes. So image one class has 50 students for each.

Again, I want to take a look in Shanghai. Population in Shanghai is not only people who were born there but also a large amount of people who moved from other areas. We have other countries' outcomers and also other cities' outcomers. For sure we have a system to control the number of outcomers but it's not enough. People who live in rural areas have different living mannals from us and culture is also different. In some cases, it is hard for us to accept them but we'd love to help them in order to let them suit the enviornment well. In a word, population in China need to control indeed.

16 February 2008

animal rights

Do you like animals? Do you have a pet? Don't you think that dogs might be one of your best friends in your life?
I like animals whatever it is dog or squirrel, chipmunk or jellyfish...
In my opinion, I do believe that animals should have their own rights like human beings. They have their rights not to be suffering from human, get pain from human, fear from human and so on. Haven't you ever seen a dog keep staying beside its owner's side? Don't you know that a horse may cry for its family member? Animals also have feelings like human being. They know what is happiness, what is sadness. They can even think. They understand their owners' behaviors. They can recognize their emotions. They know what they should do or should not to do. A Tibetan mastiff will fight with others to protect its only owner.
It true that we need to fight against with different kinds of dieases, but in some cases it is not necessary for us to use animals to do research. Since animals are animals, they are not same like human beings. Even people could influence other different new dieases through using the data which were testing by animals. We need to protect ourselves as well as aniamls.
They are friends of ours!!!

10 February 2008

Grace's journey

This is the first book which I have ever read before for such a so short time even in Chinese...
This is the first book which I have ever read before since it is a kind of thick even in Chinese...
This is the first book which I have ever read before in such beautiful language in English...
This is my first real English novel...
It is Alias Grace by Margarte Atwood...

I like reading this novel...although there's lots of difficult discerptions, especially at the beginning of the novel...To read this novel I have just used dictionary twice during these two weeks...I've learnt that it is possible to read a novel without looking up in the dictionary all the time...I enjoy this experience. Also I've learnt some expressions from this book what I want to use in my free writings sometimes...A very big BUT, I am not satisfied with my reading part because of the time limiting...I jumped several parts so that I could catch up with our group members...So, I mark myself 6...

I enjoyed the discussion time bescause I like to collect different opinions from different persons and then think them over in my mind. I am a thinking person, I guess some of you have found that I prefer listening to speaking...I know it is not good for me in some areas, but I really like to listen...In this case, I put 7 on my discussion part...

Written review is a nice part of the novel project because I have learnt some skills of writing this kind of articls. And also from this section, I can present some of my points of view. To be honest, I was satisfied with my book review(:One of the reasons was that I finished it in the lab...^__________^ So that I gain an 8 for myself...

The most disapointed work is presentation. I thought I was back to the time before Advanced One. I don't know why...I just was speaking without organization...I knew what I wanted to present to my audience, but just...I don't know...absolutley have no idea what has happened...It was awful...I have 5 on 10 for my presentation. But as an audience, I like others presentation pretty much. For Obasan, I found it was easy to understand and the presenters are very nice(: For Cross Bone, I was interested in it because it was similar to DaVinci Code...For Life of Pi, I was absolutely attracked by these two presenters. I was brought into the novel and thought about it...I want something philosophy, I like something psychology...I'd like to read it Life of Pi!!!I, an audience, was 7. For my whole project, I marked myself 6 again.

03 February 2008

start critical thinking...

To be honest, I was not a good critical thinker before we started Communication Unit. The first time in my deep mind was when we were talking about different communicate manner between female and male, Adrianne asked us to think that who's the writer? Female or male? At that time, I realized that it is important for me to think from much more different sides of a problem. From then on, I determined to try to consider almost everthing in different angles.

For me, I'd like to study in communications as my major in University. Obviously, media is an important part of it. When I was in China, I knew that infomation on television did not always tell the truth. Since one of my friends was studying in Shanghai Theatre Academy China-DSXY, I knew that most of them have enough supporting background so that they could get in their dream university. Media in China is very complex.

I do not need to talk more about internet, as we all know, everything on internet we need to put a very very big question mark on it. The more we think, the more we get, not only as the usual way, but also other ways. I have learnt a lot from this week, especially from the lecture. I'd like to train myself to be a critical thinker.

31 January 2008

communications between female and male

"Girls' talk!" girls always say to boys with smiling...
We can hear girls are always chatting when they are shopping on the road, having lunch, watching video, etc.
Here in Montreal, I noticed that either meet to common friends or strangers, more men walk passing by the person who are saying hello to him while answering rather than women do.
Also, we can hear girls' laughing while talking, there's more silence in boys' dialogue.
On the other hand, men have a good sense of humour.
I like to talk to different people no matter who he or she is because I like to get different opinions from others.
Communication is a nice learning experience to me(:

26 January 2008

Which takes you longer time? wait for a bus OR keep walking!!!?

[The Globe and Mail]
Both of you and me have met one of the most common problems: It is better to wait for a bus at this stop or go for a walk to meet the bus at the next stop? Recently, three mathematicians in the United States have worked out this common question which people are always brothering about. They set a formual to calculate the risk of missing a bus during you walking to the next stop. There are matters of "number of bus stops spaced along the bus route" "distance along the bus route" "bus speed" "walking speed" and "probability in time that a bus will show up". The result is that it is smart enough for you to take the lazy way of waiting for a bus if you do not want to take the risk of passing bus roaring by you before reaching the next stop. If you considering going for a walk, experts suggest you make the decision before you waiting for a bus.

We can always see large amount of people running following a bus and waving their hands asking drivers whether he or she can stop for a while and get onto the bus. Normally, it doesn't work! In my opinion, I prefer waiting for a bus rather than walking along the bus route. Although weather here in Montreal is terrible, the wind is horrible enough for me to get my face hurt on my way to stations. But instead of taking a risk of missing a running bus, I would like to wait for it. I hate the feeling of watching the running bus passing through by me and complain about my bad luck. I don't want to grit my teeth and jump heavily between two stops. So, what do you think about it? What would you prefer? Hating yourselves while doing exercise? Or wait for a bus in a wind?

Link to the formula http://xxx.arxiv.org/abs/0801.0297

19 January 2008

Important factor of language learing

There are many factors can effect people to learn a second or third language successfully such as age, motivation, personality and so on. In my point of view, I still believe that a person's personality is the most important factor of language learning although sometimes other factors will influent to it.

Many friends of mine are able to speak other languages whether it is foreign language or in their own language but different regions of the contury. Some of them are not good at academic but do very good jobs at language learning. Some of them learnt well just because their interests. As I've learnt a little bit German when I was in China. The reason why I went to learn German is just because my visit to Germany for 2 weeks and fell in love with this nice country. When I was back to Shanghai, I learned German very quickly. To be honest, I do not like French very much, as I was trying to learn French here for five days in conversation class. I found some of spelling or grammar are similar to German so that it is easier for me to understand and learn French than other people in class. Although I still thought it was difficult to learn French because the teacher taught in French but we have no any of the knowledge in it.

As I said, languages link to each other but the most important is to practice practice and practice. The more you do, the more you will get! A person who has good personality might be practice more than others. They can be open enough to talk in public before people so that their fluency of speaking, skills of listening, grammar and pronunciation will be much better than those who are not willing to practice as much as they can. People who have great confidence are not afraid of making mistakes, sometimes others are much more willing to help them in great progress.

Learning a second or third language with nice personality maybe one of the most important factors to most people. Hope you will have a wonderful learning journey during this session.(:

Jinmao Tower in my hometown-Shanghai

The Jinmao Tower is a 88-story skyscraper in Shanghai China. It contains a five-star Grand Hyatt Hotel and business offices in it.

As we all know, The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is also one of the most famous landmarks in Shanghai. With Jinmao Tower, it becomes a skyline of my home town.
My Proud of Shanghai^_____________^

17 January 2008


The topic of Super High Skyscrapers should be built whether or not is quite controversial.
In my opinion, skyscrapers are not necessary for human beings. Reasons are given that safety, economic, environment and other factors should be seriously considered.

As we all know, planning to build super skyscapers for now is just people's imaginations. Even designers and engineers cannot be sure about the success of building a skyscraper.
First, people cannot predict natural disasters like earthquake, fire, strong wind or others 100% for sure. So it is not safe enough to build a skyscraper. As designning a wonderful prevention system in order to deal with these kinds of natural disasters, government must use huge amount of funds to make it pratical. Is it necessary for people to do things like that? Would everybody or most people be satisfied with this decision? Obviously not! Can any body promise that the horrible event of 911 will not be happened in any other countries? Why do people like such kind of "CHALLENGE" nowadays??
As I know that Taiwan 101 is making a loss everyday, our Jinmao Tower in Shanghai also spends millions of money just for one day! If we build a super high skyscraper, economic of every country will change a lot beyond of our imaginations. One problem might be appear that different levels of people will be met in different ways.

Some people might say that there will be no space for human beings to live in the future. Reaserchs show that most people would like to live and work under 50 stories, and there're number of people who have acrophobia need to be considered. Also, engineers find that soil of some place is not able to build such a high skyscraper.

We can see that there are so many problems we need to face and the most important fact is people who are not willing to live in a skyscraper are the most of them living in a real world...