19 February 2008

What is debate!!?

I like debate but not to debate with others just watch it. I am a thinking person, since we've learnt critial thinking... I try to think everything into different sides at least the issues related to our taxt books.
For the lecture, I would like to say that it disappointed me so much because of my high expertation. These people just spoke out their opinions one by one and sometimes they did not show their positions clearly.
In my opinion, for sure as an international student here in Concordia, it was so bad that the tuition fee will be increased. Imaging what you are spending is seven times higher than what you spent in China my friends. We, to be honest, also pay high taxes everyday on our daily lives. It is hard for some of us who cannot have part-time jobs now to afford so much tuition fee. We have already paid four to five times expenses than students here.
But on the other hand, if teachers do not have enough salaries, how can they teach us hard? How can we have good or we can say high quality of education? Think about that!
Anyway, I think a debate should like a real debate. To speak out one by one is really not the idea of debate for public.

17 February 2008

Population in Shanghai

Ok~actually, I am in a big family. Since my father has 3 elder sisters、1 younger sister and 1 younger brother. Each of them have a child, that means I have 1 elder brother、2 elder sisters、1 younger sister and 1 younger brother. They are all my father-side's cousins. On the other hand, my mother have 3 brothers and one of them is younger than her. It is interesting that her three brothers all have one son for each and my mother has only one daughter --- its me! But for me, I really have no idea that how many children I want to have. In my mind now, maybe I won't have any children. For the reason that I really want to have an elder brother who can protect me and one elder sister who can understand me and share secrect with me. If I do need to have children, two or three at least but not in China even though we can have two kids per couple.

I think that population in China is famous around the whole world. We have more than 1300000000 people. It is terrible. Let's talk about the population in Shanghai as a small area of China but the most representativeness. I heard that as foreigners visit Shanghai, they like everything there except the transportation. When they are walking in a famous shopping walking street, one of the most famous symbol in Shanghai, called Nanjing Road. They said that the number of people they saw in that street as if the whole population of their own country. Transportation in Shanghai is also terrible unless you take a metro. Traffic jam is one of the most common things you will meet in Shanghai. As you know, the number of a class is three or four times larger than here in Montreal. For my jounior school, we have 16 classes in my grade and when I was in senior high school, we have 18 classes. So image one class has 50 students for each.

Again, I want to take a look in Shanghai. Population in Shanghai is not only people who were born there but also a large amount of people who moved from other areas. We have other countries' outcomers and also other cities' outcomers. For sure we have a system to control the number of outcomers but it's not enough. People who live in rural areas have different living mannals from us and culture is also different. In some cases, it is hard for us to accept them but we'd love to help them in order to let them suit the enviornment well. In a word, population in China need to control indeed.