04 March 2008


Finally, I have finished my research paper - Tobacco Industry
It is so hard to give birth to my baby...
No matching version, no color printing, having hungry laptop, poor process of handling,etc.
But finally, when I saw Adrianne and Lili's happy face...
Being consoling...


Now I am sitting before my laptop thinking...
I learnt so many things from doing research project which I really need to learn!
When I was in primary school...doing maths...I always did it over and over to make sure that I have the correct answer...this habit has been along with me till now. Whatever I wrote, even in Chinese, I will read it over and over to make sure the spelling, grammar, prop words and everything. That's one of the reasons that I have not finished it.
I don't like the situation now, all of you have done your successful wonderful projects, except me...
From now on, I won't wait until last minute, although maybe I will, but I will try my best...
I need to change the way of doing a research project, actually, the way of doing almost everything...
To the project itself, I really notice the importance of citation.
I'll continue throughout everything before I write a section and make something like a outline, although everything I might change...
For my writing skills, I really do not know...maybe nothing...
But I learnt how to search different sources, it is very important to the university...
I appreciate Advanced Two to give us such important chances to learn before university!
I am lucky enough to have my wonderful teachers Lili and Adrianne to worry about Jarno, care about Jarno, help to Jarno, encourage Jarno...
You are my teachers forever...