26 February 2008

Oh~Great Spirit, keep me from ever judging a man until I've walked in his moccasins.

To be honest, this unit makes me think a lot. For the reasons, in China, girls are always in the lower position. Unfortunately, I was treated in that way by the old. I always believe that girls are totally the same to boys and even in some situations, girls are superior to boys. Discrimination should not appear at this world or we can say in our close life, but in fact, it will exist forever.

I do not know what factors cause people to discriminate others, history? culture? gender? nationality? nature? education? any of the other reasons? Everybody has the same rights, it's unfair to be treated like that.

But in a real world, discrimination might be happen at any time in any places on any persons. As what we saw in the video, blue eyes and brown eyes changed by the atmosphere around them whoever they are adults or kids. For the devided class, students really experienced absolutely opposite situations by judging their eye-color. They know what was treated in different situation. Their feelings changed greatly for just one day. But for these persons, they knew how's the feeling and would never discriminate any one.

Judging a person cannot just from their outside but inside. These children they have felt others situations so that they have been doing well in their lives in this field. Standing on other side before you judging a person, take a thinking of theirs' situations. Then it will be more fair. I think that's want the topic sentance means. OH~GREAT SPIRIT, KEEP ME FROM EVER JUDGING A MAN UNTIL I'VE WALKED IN HIS MOCCASINS.

24 February 2008

Learnt from Communications

Actually, I am interested in gender very much and also, I am interested in communications pretty much. That's why I choose Female and Male for my favourite unit.
From this unit, I learnt lots of facts of gender communicating either in skills or ways of talking. I knew several reasons for different issues and figured out some questions that I really want to knew already for a long time. For instance, why boys always ignore girl's actions or let's say words while they are doing other things like playing a NDSL. Why boys are the one don't like to ask questions to others for a help very often. Why boys always want to be the one who can control everything. Why girls are always not the one to be trusted in public!...
For this unit, critical thinking started poping into my mind easily... It is good for me, isn't it?
By this unit, I knew what I would learn first in my university life. It is a very very very important decision to me.
I also learnt few useful words form Female and Male unit. I will try to use it...
In a word, I prefer this unit rather than the others. Anything about gender interests me(: