26 January 2008

Which takes you longer time? wait for a bus OR keep walking!!!?

[The Globe and Mail]
Both of you and me have met one of the most common problems: It is better to wait for a bus at this stop or go for a walk to meet the bus at the next stop? Recently, three mathematicians in the United States have worked out this common question which people are always brothering about. They set a formual to calculate the risk of missing a bus during you walking to the next stop. There are matters of "number of bus stops spaced along the bus route" "distance along the bus route" "bus speed" "walking speed" and "probability in time that a bus will show up". The result is that it is smart enough for you to take the lazy way of waiting for a bus if you do not want to take the risk of passing bus roaring by you before reaching the next stop. If you considering going for a walk, experts suggest you make the decision before you waiting for a bus.

We can always see large amount of people running following a bus and waving their hands asking drivers whether he or she can stop for a while and get onto the bus. Normally, it doesn't work! In my opinion, I prefer waiting for a bus rather than walking along the bus route. Although weather here in Montreal is terrible, the wind is horrible enough for me to get my face hurt on my way to stations. But instead of taking a risk of missing a running bus, I would like to wait for it. I hate the feeling of watching the running bus passing through by me and complain about my bad luck. I don't want to grit my teeth and jump heavily between two stops. So, what do you think about it? What would you prefer? Hating yourselves while doing exercise? Or wait for a bus in a wind?

Link to the formula http://xxx.arxiv.org/abs/0801.0297


Xixi said...

Hi Jorna,
Well, actually I would prefer walking if the weather is not terrible like the winter in Montreal~~~~~haha~
U know, I have the same problem in Beijing, China.In Beijing, I won't wait the bus for a long time, 10min at most~because the bus satitions bewteen each other are not very far in Beijing~so, it's good to have a walk~however, if I'm really tried after shopping~I will froget both of them(taking bus or having a walk),I prefer to take a taxi~~~~~~~~~!haha~
yup~u r right,if in Montreal, for sure I prefer to wait for the bus~I think the transportation in Montreal is good, the metro and bus uauslly on time.So, we just check the schudel on the internet~it's not so hard for us~right?hehe
see you~
have a good weekend~

Geraldine aKa The Point said...

hello Jarno,

Well, I think I would prefer walking. When I go home I have to take at least 10 min of walking for reaching my home. In winter the weather is extremely cold so instead of waiting during 40 min a bus that supposed to come in 30 min I prefer walking.

Yes... I think it's all about a rational process! lol

Tomas said...

Hi Jarno,

I always prefer walking than taking the bus or the metro. It´s a good way of making some exercise and it clears my mind.
There´s something in the article you made a summary that makes me wonder.
It´s the matter of this study so important that three mathematicians were needed to create a formula?
Is this matter what people is really worried about? Is that interesting?
Aren´t there more serious problems in the world?
Sorry, but sometimes I don´t really understand the purpose of certain news or articles...

Helen said...

I am the kind of guy who make a decision before waiting bus.If I don't have something very important to do,I usually prefer walking.In fact,it's the best way to do some exercise and relax myself.To enjoy good weather,find something interesting on roadside and observe various of people,if you are luck,you even may find something you really like such as a beautiful house with lovely flowers,a cute baby with sweet smile and some small stores which have special stuff you are interested in.Therefore,why don't you pick up the chance to find out something surprising?In addition,don't forget to wear a pair of comfortable shoes and take your camera.And also,you'd better see weather report before you go,or you'll get cold as me because of walking outside without heavy coat in -16 degree...

Jarno said...

Well~Tomas...It was interesting for me to read you comment...Firstly, I want to welcome you to come to my blog(:Secondly, I'd like to answer your questions according to your not understanding.
Because of the difficulty in calculating the results, it is necessary that three mathematicians work out the finnal answer. Any mathematicians do not want to make an unsure to the public. Yes, people usually are not worried about such little simple things, but in some case, for example, think about when you are in a rush and waiting for a bus you really NEED to take...Have you ever missed a bus when you walking to the next stop? Don't you think sometimes it was a bad luck? People sometimes just are finding an answer which they are always facing in their daily life. That's why the article comes out. It is not an important piece of news, but just for a kind of tips for your living environment.